Community Safety

Council undertakes and is involved in several community safety and crime prevention activities all with the intention to create a safer area for its residents. Many of these activities involve working with NSW Police and other relevant organisations to decrease the likelihood of perpetrators wanting to commit a crime. In 2020, this involves developing the new Community Safety Strategy, completing safety audits with the NSW Police, the improvement and implementation of lighting and CCTV cameras and other educational activities promoting personal safety.

Strathfield Council has updated its Community Safety Strategy 2020-2024.  Through this strategy, Council outlines actions to promote community safety and crime prevention over a four year period.

Community Safety Resources

Break & Enter Prevention Program Home Security Kit. 

As part of Strathfield Council’s Break and Enter Prevention Program, an information and home security kit has been formulated.

Inside this kit you will find:

  • Home Security Checklist
  • Home Security Guide
  • Property Identification factsheet

Enquire about how you can receive your free kit – call 9748 9999

This is an initiative of Strathfield Council in partnership with NSW Police and supported by the NSW Department of Justice and Attorney General.

Community Safety with NSW Police

Strathfield Council in partnership with NSW Police have developed the below safety videos filled with handy tips to keep yourself, family and belongings safe.

You can see the videos by clicking on the below links:


Homelessness in Strathfield

Homelessness is a profound and developing issue in Australia. Homelessness can take many forms including rough sleeping, supported accommodation, couch surfing, living in boarding houses, temporary lodgings and overcrowded dwellings.

Some of the main causes for homelessness consist of domestic and family violence, poverty, unemployment or shortage of affordable housing, family breakdown, mental illness, addiction, financial difficulty, gambling or social isolation.

Strathfield Council has partnered with the NSW Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) and Wesley Mission to engage and support people sleeping rough in the Strathfield Local Government Area.

If you are aware of rough sleepers or homeless people in the local area, please complete the form below with as much detail as possible and return to

Referrals will be passed on to Wesley Mission who, with the person’s permission, can provide support or engage other agencies who can assist them with issues they may be dealing with.


Rough-Sleepers-Report-Form(PDF, 38KB)


Graffiti Vandalism

Strathfield Council, public authorities, businesses and private property owners devote significant resources to managing and removing graffiti vandalism. The term ‘Graffiti vandalism’ generally refers to illegally defacing private and public property with markings and/or graphics without the owner’s consent.

Council has adopted a Graffiti Management Policy that sets out how Council manages graffiti vandalism in the Strathfield Local Government Area.

Rapid and continual removal of graffiti vandalism is the best way for property owners to protect their property and preserve the image of their neighbourhood. Removing graffiti within 24 to 48 hours makes removal easier and more effective and reduces the notoriety for graffiti vandals that results from having the graffiti vandalism on display.


Tips for Avoiding Graffiti

Graffiti attracts graffiti

Graffiti on your property should be removed as soon as it appears. Graffiti on a wall or building attracts increased vandalism and more graffiti and may spread to other areas of your own, or your neighbours property.

Plants that fight back

Where a wall or object is a target for graffiti vandals, the answer may be as easy as some well-positioned plants. By covering a wall or object with a climbing plant such as the Creeping Fig (Ficus pumila) you remove the object that is being graffitied, you may also plant shrubs or small trees along the object or create a hedge. By using plants that have spikes the plants can fight back, when used in areas near an object that attracts vandals you are making it less likely that vandals will try to get to the object.

Don’t provide a blank canvas

A large straight wall of the one material without breaks, inclusions or interesting points is offering the vandals a blank canvas to paint on. A wall or fence that is a large expanse of the one material and colour without any breaks or inclusions is just teasing the vandals and providing the perfect place for them to place their graffiti. When designing buildings, walls and fences consideration should be made to reducing the expanse of the wall or fence, providing inclusions, landscaping, breaks and points of interest, these items not only make your wall much more attractive to the streetscape but also reduces the chance of the structure being vandalised.


Graffiti vandals tend to prefer properties and objects that are dimly lit at night. Increasing lighting within vandalised areas and installation of bright sensor lights can prevent vandals.


A well maintained property with a good looking garden will be less likely to be vandalised or attacked by graffiti vandals than a run down or dilapidated property with overgrown weeds and gardens. Make sure that you maintain your garden and lawn, do not leave rubbish or old furniture within your property and keep your buildings, walls and fences properly maintained.

Businesses, shops and commercial areas

In addition to the methods described above there are a few additional methods that businesses, shops and commercial areas can utilise that will not only prevent graffiti, but also make the area more attractive to customers.

  • Ensure windows (including shop windows) are kept clear and have high visibility to the outside and vice versa.
  • Provide attractive window displays; show off your premium product or the latest special. Keep posters and written information to a minimum and up to date.
  • Clean any graffiti as soon as it appears (including within awnings, roller doors and areas that are not visible during open hours)
  • Remove posters, excess advertising material and other obstructions from the frontage of the building including windows and walls. If this material is necessary they may be placed in temporary displays that are taken in when the property is closed.
  • Provide lighting to the shopfront and under awnings and encourage your neighbours to do so. If the area is bright and easily visible to neighbours and passing vehicles your frontage is less attractive to graffiti vandals. If your windows are clear at night leave some lights on at the front of the shop that brighten the street.
  • Report the vandalism to the police each time, although they may not respond directly, if their records indicate high vandalism within an area they may increase patrols and police on the beat.
  • Ensure your property has a neat and tidy appearance, both day and night.


Reporting Graffiti

Council property

Council removes graffiti from Council property within 48 hours of reporting. Council’s properties include buildings, signs, park and street furniture, and road signs.  To report any damage to public property contact Council’s Customer Service Centre on 9748 9999 or if you witness someone putting graffiti on a property, contact the Police immediately.

Public Authorities and State/Federal Government land and infrastructure

If graffiti appears on property belonging to State or Federal Government or utilities such as Sydney Water, Roads & Maritime Services, Ausgrid’s electrical substations, streetlights etc, Council is unable to remove the graffiti. Below are the correct organisations to contact.

Item Contact
Graffiti on mailboxes Australia Post
13 13 18 or 9793 4705.
Graffiti on substations and kiosks (green boxes) Ausgrid
13 15 35
Graffiti on road signs on main roads such as Parramatta or Liverpool Road RMS
13 17 82 or 8814 2337
Graffiti on telecommunication devices Telstra
13 22 03
Graffiti on trains, train stations or rail property, buses or bus stops Transport for NSW
13 15 00
Graffiti on Sydney Water infrastructure Sydney Water
13 20 92
General Police Assistance Line
131 444


Mailbox and Online Identify Fraud

Incidents of fraud have been rapidly increasing with criminals finding ever more insidious ways to steal your information.

On 31 July 2018, in partnership with NSW Justice and NSW Police, Strathfield Council launched a new tool to raise awareness about fraud and provide information on how to keep your data safe.

Protect your ID, Protect U is a film created by Council and Why Documentaries to alert the ordinary consumer to the facts of identity theft while also providing guidance and strategies to avoid becoming a victim.

For more information please contact Youth and Community Safety Officer, Strathfield Council, 9748 9999


Community Safety Strategy 2020 - 2024

Strathfield Council has updated its Community Safety Strategy for 2020-2024. This strategy sets out actions to improve community safety in the Strathfield Council area over a four year period.

For further information, please contact Council’s Community Services team on 9748 9999.


Strathfield Community Safety Strategy 2020-2024(PDF, 1MB)

Preventing Parcel Theft

With an increase in online shopping and deliveries, it’s important to take proactive measures to deter theft and protect belongings. Here are five strategies to help you stop thieves and keep deliveries safe:

• Installing home security devices such as outdoor cameras or a video doorbell can help deter thieves. While these types of devices are great for capturing the moment of theft, they aren’t usually enough to stop the crime from happening in the first place. You can submit the imagery to police for investigation or use it to prove your package was stolen to the retailer.
• You might also consider adding a motion sensor light that will turn on any time it’s dark when movement is detected, which can help guests and delivery people, but also deter thieves who don’t want to be seen.

• Australia Post now offers a range of ways to receive a parcel, you can collect your parcel when and where it suits you from any of their collection points – a Post Office, a PO Box or a free 24/7 Parcel Locker.
• A large number of sellers also offer services such as Parcel Point which provides a network of local delivery, pickup and return locations – convenience stores, pharmacies, service stations – all open late and on weekends – all around Australia, where you can have a parcel delivered, and pick up or drop off whenever you like.
• Similarly, most stores offer Click & Collect services for online purchases.

• A parcel delivery box at the entryway is a great option for secure package delivery. They are usually tough, weather resistant and virtually tamper-proof.
• With multiple ways to open, such as pin-code and remote opening they are easy for home residents and delivery workers to use.

• If you know you or someone in your household will be home and willing to answer the door, you can add signature confirmation to your delivery. This means that the package can only be left with someone who signs for it rather than just left at the entryway.
• Australia Post will also allow you to direct your parcel to a new delivery address if plans change to ensure someone is home to receive the parcel, even if it’s already on it’s way to you.

• When you order something you may have the opportunity to add a delivery request. In this place you can note the package should be placed out of plain sight, especially from the street, such as behind a plant or under porch stairs.
• From making sure you’re home to receive a signature confirmation delivery to using a parcel delivery box or having your parcel shipped to a secure location, these tips help you stop thieves in their tracks so you can get your packages safe and sound every time.


Information on Scams

The NSW Police is alerting the community of virtual kidnapping incidents. Scammers are falsely impersonating Chinese government or military officials to coerce and intimidate their own families in pretending that they have been kidnapped.

Download the flyers below for more information on how to report such an incident and how you can protect yourself.


16658-Flyer-Scam-Alert.pdf(PDF, 480KB)

16658-Flyer-Scam-Alert-CHINESE-simplified.pdf(PDF, 633KB)