Improvements to the forecourt outside Homebush Railway Station on Loftus Cresent will commence in mid-August. The project involves undertaking civil and landscape works funded by PRUAIP (Parramatta Road Urban Amenity Improvement Program) to remove and relocate the existing bus stop.
Additional improvements will include:
A public art sculpture will be installed. The successful designer is Warren Langley and Tilt with First Nation Contributing Artist Dennis Golding.
Artist statement: The history of the site is seen as a history of movement. Accordingly, the mirrored sculptural surfaces reflect these cardinal directions of movement and engage the viewer and the physical surrounds in a constant and multi layered conversation. The sculptural surface would deliver an ever-changing response to the time of day, the viewer and the precinct.
The form itself is based upon the small grains of sand which comprise the ever-present sandstone of the Sydney Basin’s geological strata.
Artwork Update 10 September 2024:
Offsite completion of the artwork has been completed. The cladding panels on the base will be fixed on site and the glass panels will be positioned closer to installation to guarantee all the internal lighting is working as planned.
Loftus Crescent, Homebush 2140 View Map
Loftus Crescent , Homebush 2140
Completion Date: October 2024
This project is proudly funded by the NSW Government in association with Strathfield Council.
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