
Public Exhibition – Draft EV Charging Infrastructure Policy

Council has resolved to prepare and place on public exhibition a draft Electrical Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Policy.

A copy of the draft Policy can be found on at the bottom of the page.

About the Policy

This policy relates to the provision of Electric Vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure and the allocation of suitable locations on public land. The policy also outlines approvals required and criteria that must be met for EV infrastructure to be supported by Council.

Council is committed to support the increasing demand for electric vehicles and support the community as they embrace cleaner energy options. To support this demand, this policy will provide a criteria for the provision, installation, management, maintenance and removal of EV charging units on public land and in the Strathfield Local Government Area.

The objectives of this policy are to:

  • Support the delivery of EV charging infrastructure on public land that integrates effectively with the transport network, local environment and commercial areas across the LGA
  • Consider all electric transport charging infrastructure
  • Ensure a fair and equitable selection of providers that supports current EVs and charging types
  • Increase the availability of EV charging infrastructure to support growth in the uptake of EVs, locally
  • Provide direction for providers of EV infrastructure in the allocation of suitable locations on public land and Council requirements
  • Provide direction to all providers on the approval process of the installation of EV charging infrastructure
  • Provide direction on the placement of advertising of EV charging infrastructure

Have your Say

You are invited to provide feedback on the draft Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Policy by email: council@strathfield.nsw.gov.au.

Or by mail, addressed to Strathfield Council, PO Box 120, Strathfield NSW 2135.

Please mark your submission Electrical Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Policy – Public Exhibition.

Last day to provide feedback is Friday 27 September 2024.

What happens next?

The feedback received will be incorporated into the final policy which will be considered by Council.

FINAL DRAFT EV Charging Infrastructure Policy 28.08.24.pdf