
DA2023.33 – 95-97 The Boulevarde, Strathfield

95-97 The Boulevarde STRATHFIELD

Lot: A DP: 383091

PROPOSAL: Alterations and additions to existing dwelling for change of use to a child care centre and associated site works

Council wishes to inform you of the abovementioned Development Application as you are the owner/occupier of land which adjoins or is in the vicinity of the affected development site.

A Development Application in relation to the subject site and pursuant to the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 has been lodged by Archidrome Pty Ltd and received by Council in relation to alterations and additions to existing dwelling for change of use to a child care centre and associated site works.

The subject application seeks for alterations and additions to existing dwelling for change of use to a child care centre and associated site works.

Council encourages you to view the application, associated documentation and plans on the Application Tracker (Application on Exhibition) on Council’s website  at https://datracker.strathfield.nsw.gov.au/Application/AdvancedSearchResult?RemoveUndeterminedApplications=False&ShowOutstandingApplications=False&ShowExhibitedApplications=True&IncludeDocuments=False until

19 May 2023.

Should you wish to make a written submission, the grounds of any objection should be clearly stated with your name and address printed on the letter. If you do not provide your details, your submission will be included and considered, however we will not be sending an acknowledgement letter and you will not be informed of the outcome.  It should be noted that submissions will be made publicly available and may be referred to in a report to Council.  Submissions should quote the DA reference number and Address at the top of this letter and be addressed to the CEO and posted or sent by email to council@strathfield.nsw.gov.au before 5:00pm on 19 May 2023.

Please note that a person who makes a submission may also need to disclose reportable political donations and gifts made to a Councillor or employee of Council, as required by the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

Further information and disclosure forms are available from Council’s website www.strathfield.nsw.gov.au or the NSW Department of Planning website at www.planning.nsw.gov.au/planning_reforms/donations.asp

If you require clarification of the above please contact the undersigned on 9748 9999.

Gary Choice


