
2021 Australian Census

It’s not too late to complete your Census. If you have family or friends who may need some help, check in with them and offer a hand.
Census data helps communities know where services are needed, such as healthcare, housing and transport. So it’s important everyone participates.
Other supports include:
🔸Online videos and virtual fill in form sessions in many languages including Auslan
🔸An easy read guide to the Census for people who find it hard to read or understand English – https://nuvi.me/t148wn guide to the 2021 Census – Easy Read version.pdf
🔸Assistance through the Census Call Centre on 1800 512 441 or through the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) on 131 450.
For more resources to support your community visit https://www.census.abs.gov.au/help