
The Colonel, the Poet and the Motor Car

In 1905, John McLean Arnott of Birnam Wood, Strathfield took part in the Dunlop Reliability Trial, in his Innes car, from Sydney to Melbourne over five days. He was accompanied by poet, Banjo Paterson who reported on the event for the Evening News.

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The Enfield Tarpaulin Factory

The Enfield Tarpaulin Factory in Cosgrove Road has recently been added to the National Trust Register. The building was relocated from the Sydney Yards during the early 1920s, and operated on site here from 1925 to 1991, making and repairing tarpaulins and other canvas items for the railways and military.

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A Christmas Shark Encounter

When James Knight went for a dip in Powells Creek on Christmas Day 1930, he got more than he expected. The creek was crowded with swimmers when a shark appeared and lunged at Knight three times, grazing him and leaving him in shock.

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A New Life in Strathfield

In 1953 Thora Donovan and her five children, from Derbyshire, England, were sponsored to emigrate to Australia by Strathfield couple, Mr and Mrs Dawson. Their story was featured in the Good Neighbour magazine.

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The Popular Dancers’ Competition of 1928

In 1928 Marjorie Hopman and Gerald Phillips represented Homebush in the Popular Dancers’ Competition held over several months. Competition was fierce. To secure votes, Reg Gaskin danced from Strathfield Town Hall to Bondi on 20 July 1928.

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Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Windeyer Ralston

Strathfield barrister, Alexander Windeyer Ralston served as a lieutenant colonel during WWI and was thought to have been one of the youngest colonels of the Allied forces. He was twice decorated. His younger brother, Lieutenant Edward Bolton Ralston served with the 12th Australian Light Horse Regiment at Beersheba.

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