Park and Sportsground Hire

Mason Park 2.jpg

Strathfield LGA has 8 beautiful parks available for hire, with 31 sports fields and courts, servicing a variety of sports including soccer, cricket, basketball, netball, rugby, rugby league and touch football.

Our regular maintenance schedule and dedication high-performance sportsgrounds, means whatever your sporting preference, Strathfield is your destination.

Location Winter Season Summer Season Map 
Strathfield Park
Homebush Road Strathfield

2x Synthetic Fields
1x Natural Field
3x Soccer Fields (lights available)
2x Basketball/Netball Courts (all-weather)

2x Synthetic Field
2x Basketball/Netball Courts (all-weather)
Strathfield Park Map(JPG, 505KB)  
Airey Park
Bates Street Homebush
1x Rugby/Rugby League Field 5x Cricket practice wickets
1x Cricket oval (turf wicket)
Airey Park Map(JPG, 469KB)

Mason Park
Underwood Road Homebush

3x Soccer Fields (lights available)
1x Synthetic Field
1x 6/7 Touch Football Oz Tag Fields (lights available)
2x Cricket wickets
1x Synthetic Field
1x 6/7 Touch Football Oz Tag Fields (lights available)
Mason Park Map(JPG, 431KB)
Cooke Park
Madeline Street Belfield
1x Synthetic Field
3x Soccer Fields (lights available)
1x Cricket oval (synthetic wicket) Cooke Park Map(JPG, 383KB)
Begnell Field
Madeline Street Belfield
1x Rugby League Field
2x Touch Football Fields (no lighting) – Weekdays only
1x Rugby League Field
2x Touch Football Fields (no lighting)
Begnell Field Map(JPG, 375KB)
Hudson Oval
Arthur St Strathfield
1x Rugby Field (Limited times on weekdays and Sundays only)

1x Cricket oval (turf wicket) - Sunday only

Hudson Oval Map(JPG, 444KB) 
Bark Huts Reserve
Elliot Street, Belfield
2x Soccer Fields (lights available)
4x Touch Football Fields (lights available)
1x Basketball/Netball Court (all-weather hard court)
1x Cricket oval (turf wicket)
4x Touch Football Fields (lights available)
1x Basketball/Netball Court (all-weather hard court)

Bark Huts Reserve Summer Map(JPG, 457KB)

Bark Huts Reserve Winter Map(JPG, 454KB)

Bressington Park
1x Synthetic Field
3x Soccer Fields
5x Cricket practice wickets Bressington Park Map(JPG, 407KB)


Park and Sportsground Hire Information

Application Form

Applications for the 2025 Winter Season Sportsgrounds allocation are now CLOSED.

If you would like to be notified when applications open for the next season, please email

Applying for Sportsground Hire

Before applying, please refer to Council’s Community Facilities Terms and Conditions, Council Grounds Casual Booking Form to complete your application:

2023 Strathfield Council Grounds Casual Booking Form(PDF, 207KB)
2023 Strathfield Council Community Facilities Terms & Conditions(PDF, 152KB)

Please ensure all applications & supporting documents required to assess your application are provided via email

Sporting Ground Hire Policies and Terms and Conditions

Council encourages the active use of its sporting ground.  The process for the allocation of the sporting grounds is outlined in the Sporting Grounds Allocation Policy.

Council endorsed a Sporting Grounds Allocation Policy on 4 July 2023.

For Seasonal Sport Ground Hire, please complete the following documents and submit to

Park Casual Event (less than 30 people)

Casual use of parks is permitted, for up to 30 people, without approval from Council subject to the conditions outlined in Council’s Terms and Conditions for Council Park & Community Facilities Hire.

If hirers want to use a space in a Council park exclusively, it is recommended that a booking is made.  If a location is booked by another group, they will have priority of use.

Park Casual Events are subject to conditions outlined in the Events in Council Parks and Facilities Policy and the Terms and Conditions for Council Park & Community Facilities Hire, featured above.


Park Minor Events (up to 250 people)

Minor events in Council parks and community facilities are permitted, for up to 250 people, subject to the submission of an Application Form.  For minor events in parks, the Application Form must be submitted to Council at least six weeks in advance.

Park Minor Events are subject to conditions outlined in the Events in Council Parks and Facilities Policy and the Terms and Conditions for Council Park & Community Facilities Hire.


Park Major Events (greater than 250 people)

Any event in a park with greater than 250 people is considered a major event.  Major events are subject to the submission of an Application Form.

Depending on the type and size of the proposed event, it may require a planning approval, under Section 68 of the Local Government Act (Section 68 Application).  If a Section 68 Application is required, it must be submitted to Council at least six months in advance.

Park Major Events are subject to conditions outlined in the Events in Council Parks and Facilities Policy and the Terms and Conditions for Council Park & Community Facilities Hire, featured above.


Events in Council Parks and Facilities Policy


Hire fees are determined by Council’s Fees and Charges.


Commercial Fitness Groups and Personal Training

Applications for the use of Council’s parks and reserves by Commercial Fitness Groups/Personal Trainers can be made by using the Commercial Fitness Groups and Personal Training Application Form (below).

The form must be signed by the person responsible for the payment of the fees and charges arising from the hiring and in observance of the terms and conditions stated on the form.

Commercial Fitness Groups and Personal Training Application Form(PDF, 279KB)

Further Information

Contact Council’s Customer Service on 9748 9999.