Swimming Pools

All pools in NSW must be registered in the NSW Swimming Pool Register. It is the pool owner’s responsibility to register their pool.

All new swimming pools require approval. If you want to build a swimming pool you must ensure that the pool is surrounded by a fence to restrict access to children in accordance with the Swimming Pool Act and AS1926.1-2012.

Pool owners are responsible for keeping fences in good repair and gates in good working condition. Owners must also ensure that doors and gates providing access to a swimming pool are kept securely closed at all times when not in use – Never “chock” a gate open.

Pool owners are also required to display an approved resuscitation poster in a prominent position in the immediate vicinity of the swimming pool. The sign gives a supervision warning and the details of resuscitation techniques.

These signs are available for purchase from Council’s Customer Service Centre and community organisations such as The Royal Life Saving Society and may also be obtained from pool shops and other outlets.

Spa pools are also covered by the legislation and should be separated by a child-resistant pool safety barrier in accordance with Australian Standard AS1926.1-2012.

Penalties apply if you do not comply with the prescribed requirements of the Act.


Pool Certificate of Compliance

The owner of any premises on which a swimming pool is situated may apply to the Council for a certificate of compliance with respect to the swimming pool.

For a fee of $150 Council will conduct an inspection of the pool. If the Council is satisfied that the swimming pool complies with the requirements of the Act , Council must issue to the applicant a certificate to the effect that, as at the date on which it is issued, the swimming pool complies with those requirements. If the inspection reveals the child resistant barrier is inadequate, Council may direct the owner to upgrade prior to issuing the certificate.


Mandatory Swimming Pool Inspections

Strathfield Council has a proactive swimming pool inspection program which will result in the inspection of all swimming pool fences within the area. When inspections are being conducted in your area you will receive a letter inviting you to make a booking with Council for the inspection of your pool. A fee of $150 is payable for these inspections.

For further information please contact Council’s Customer Service Centre on 9748 9999.


Swimming Pool Registration

Under the Swimming Pools Amendment Act 2012 all pool owners are required to register their pool on the state-wide Swimming Pool Register. Closing date is 29 October 2013 and after this date fines apply. Find out how to register online or in person at Council’s Customer Service Centre.

The following information will help swimming pool owners to register their pool on the NSW Swimming Pool Register from 29 April 2013 – 29 October 2013.

From 29 October 2013 authorised officers may fine pool owners if their pools are not on the NSW Swimming Pool Register. Fines are $220 and if referred to a court a fine of up to $2,200 may be imposed.

Therefore register now and save yourself a potential fine.  Registering online is free.

Registration can be carried out either:

1. Online at the NSW Swimming Pool Register website.


2. Lodging Pool Registration form at your Council

View/downland a Pool Registration form from the above link, or at Council’s Customer Service Centre.

Please refer to the NSW Swimming Register for more information.



Swimming-Pool-Compliance-Certificate-Application(PDF, 183KB)

Home-Swimming-Pool-Safety-Checklist(PDF, 102KB)

Swimming-Pool-Laws-Brochure(PDF, 93KB)