Street Sweeping

To assist residents in keeping Strathfield clean and to reduce the amount of dirt and litter entering our waterways, Council provides a street sweeping service to collect leaves and litter from Council’s kerb and gutter. In conjunction with this service, Council monitors and cleans Council’s street drainage system as required.

Avoid Leaf Litter Pollution

Did you know leaf litter can clog stormwater drains and pollute waterways? Letting leaf litter enter the public domain or waterways is classified under the POEO ACT 1997 as pollution and can attract a fine of up to $4,000 for an individual and $8,000 for a business.

When you blow leaves into the street it can clog storm drains and cause drainage and flooding issues.

Leaves and clippings decay in water and also use up oxygen. Taking oxygen away from the water can kill plants, fish and other animals that live in our waterways.

There is no treatment to remove the leaf debris from the water before it reaches nearby water bodies such as our Cooks River or Botany Bay.

Leaves washed into the stormwater system become concentrated – imagine the impact of all the leaves and dirt in all the streets from five kilometres around washing directly into the local waterway!

Help us keep your street clean by ensuring:

  • Your vehicles are parked off the street on designated cleaning days
  • Sweep gutters and driveways instead of hosing them down or using a leaf blower.
  • If using a leaf blower, direct leaf litter into a pile to be scooped up and disposed of appropriately.
  • Place leaves into compost or your organic waste green lid bin.