
The Strathfield Council area has a rich heritage of trees planted since the early development of the area in the late nineteenth century.  Strathfield also contains remnants of original trees, bushland and threatened plant species.

This section provides advice and information on managing trees in the Strathfield area including:




Trees provide a backdrop to the diversity and botanical and cultural history that make Strathfield such a desirable place to live and work. Trees benefit Strathfield’s urban environment in many ways.


Aesthetic Benefits

  • trees create a ‘sense of place’ and provide a distinctive character to an area
  • trees can visually soften hard surfacing of the built environment, screen undesirable sights and provide privacy by screening your property
  • trees help create social wellbeing through seasonal variations of foliage colour and floral displays
  • trees reflect cultural preferences and particular architectural and historical periods of an areas development
  • provide colour, variety and generally beautify the landscape throughout the Strathfield Local Government Area


Environmental Benefits

  • tree roots filter nutrients and contaminants from soil and water, improving water quality and helping to degrade some contaminants
  • trees bind the soil, preventing soil erosion and reducing siltation and suspended solids (muddy water) in streams
  • trees produce nutrients for other plants (and themselves) and produce mulch / compost to enhance soils and conserve moisture
  • trees provide habitat for birds, possums, insects and other native animals
  • trees reduce ultra-violet radiation and reduce heat energy absorption from surfaces such as bitumen or concrete areas
  • trees absorb carbon dioxide, entrap airborne pollutants and return oxygen back to the atmosphere
  • trees provide shade to residents and pedestrian using public footpaths.
  • trees provide buffers against harsh climatic conditions i.e. heat, glare, wind and hail
  • trees provide screens against air pollution such as dust and particles
  • trees provide nesting sites for birds and homes and food for native wildlife helping to preserve biodiversity


Financial Benefits

  • trees can keep summer temperatures lower and reduce the need for energy consuming air conditioners.  Compare the temperatures of places with ample tree coverage against places without
  • tree-lined streets and well maintained gardens with trees enhances economic land value
  • ‘leafy suburbs’ are recognised as maintaining higher property prices than those areas without trees.


Tree Preservation Policy

Strathfield Council applies the State Environmental Planning Policy to tree preservation in the LGA.

This policy is known as PART O of the Strathfield Consolidated Development Control Plan 2005, Tree Management.

You can find this policy and more information here.