Dumped Rubbish

Using CCTV to Reduce Illegal dumping

Strathfield Local Government Area (LGA) has a growing illegal dumping problem. Illegal dumping is the depositing – dumping, tipping or otherwise – of waste larger than litter onto land or into water. Illegal dumping varies from small bags of rubbish in an urban environment to larger scale dumping of waste materials in isolated areas, such as bushland and industrial areas.

Within the Strathfield LGA these dumping incidents can be broken into two broad categories Residential Dumping and Industrial Dumping. The most common waste that is illegally dumped in Strathfield is household waste, which comprises 80%. Items commonly dumped are bulky household wastes which include household whitegoods (such as fridges and washing machines), furniture and mattresses. Industrial waste compromises 13% of dumping, types of waste dumped are construction and demolition materials (concrete and bricks), mulch and soil.

Reporting Illegal Dumping

All reports of illegally dumped rubbish will be investigated for identifiable features that may ascertain the owner/dumper of the material. Heavy fines apply for persons found dumping material on private or public land.

People illegally dumping materials on Council’s footways may be liable to penalties under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997. These include on the spot fines of $1500 for the owner of the rubbish and the person who illegally dumped the material.

To report incidences of illegal dumping please phone Council’s Customer Service Centre on 9748 9999.

Reporting illegal dumping of asbestos

Council investigates complaints related to asbestos dumps on private land and public land.  Council has the power to investigate and serve notices for clean ups for asbestos dumped on private land.

If you suspect asbestos material has been dumped in your vicinity, please contact Council’s Customer Service Centre and give details of the address. If you witness the incident please provide Council with the description of offender, time, location, and registration number of the vehicle.

You can report any concerns about dumped asbestos to Council on 9748 9999, email council@strathfield.nsw.gov.au

Complaints and Requests

Any complaints or requests regarding any aspect of Council service can be made:

  • by telephone to Council’s Customer Service Centre on 9748 9999
  • by mail to the General Manager, Strathfield Council, PO Box 120 Strathfield NSW 2135
  • by email to council@strathfield.nsw.gov.au
  • in person at Council’s Customer Service Centre, 65 Homebush Road, Strathfield.

Complaints and requests are recorded in Council’s Customer Request tracking system and forwarded to the appropriate Council officer for action in accordance with Council’s Complaint Handling Policy (See below).

We welcome your feedback on services received particularly where you are dissatisfied, as it provides the council with the opportunity to rectify and prevent a recurrence

Council Service Standards

Requests for Council service are processed in accordance with Council’s Service Standards.

How You Can Help Us

You can help us meet these commitments by:

  • Dealing with us honestly
  • By providing accurate and complete details with any queries
  • By phoning to make an appointment if you have a complex enquiry or need to see a specific officer
  • Letting us know when you are particularly happy with our services
  • Telling us how we can improve our services

Responding to Complaints

Council is focused on providing the best possible value in the services we deliver. Every officer undertakes this commitment when they commence working with Council. Nevertheless, there may be times when you are unhappy with the service you receive and consequently we have a complaint process in place to ensure quick and efficient handling of your concerns.

If you are not satisfied with any of our services or products and wish to make a complaint, you should do so by contacting Council as above.

Complaints about Council services are lodged and managed in accordance with Council’s Complaint Handling Policy (See below).

Measuring and Monitoring our Performance

We will continuously monitor our performance against Council’s Service Standards.

We will also monitor the number and nature of customer complaints and other customer feedback to see where and how our services need to be improved.

The Council aims to continually improve its service delivery and values feedback from customers on how services can be improved. Customers dealing with Council can expect staff to be open to new ideas on customer service and act on it where appropriate. We are committed to enhancing the knowledge of staff and developing technology to improve the standard of services provided to our customers.

Strathfield Council Complaints Handling Policy(PDF, 535KB)

Complaints Form(PDF, 237KB)