Report an Issue

Report an Issue

If you’ve seen a broken tap, illegal dumping, a pot hole, or anything else that requires fixing, report it here and Council will send a team member to investigate.

Type the characters you see in the image below * (Required)

Compliment and Complaint

Any complaints or requests regarding any aspect of Council service can be made:

  • by telephone to Council’s Customer Service Centre on 9748 9999
  • by mail to the General Manager, Strathfield Council, PO Box 120 Strathfield NSW 2135
  • by email to
  • in person at Council’s Customer Service Centre, 65 Homebush Road, Strathfield.

Complaints and requests are recorded in Council’s Customer Request tracking system and forwarded to the appropriate Council officer for action in accordance with Council’s Complaint Handling Policy (See below).

We welcome your feedback on services received particularly where you are dissatisfied, as it provides the council with the opportunity to rectify and prevent a recurrence.

Responding to Complaints

Council is focused on providing the best possible value in the services we deliver. Every officer undertakes this commitment when they commence working with Council. Nevertheless, there may be times when you are unhappy with the service you receive and consequently we have a complaint process in place to ensure quick and efficient handling of your concerns.

If you are not satisfied with any of our services or products and wish to make a complaint, you should do so by contacting Council as above.

Complaints about Council services are lodged and managed in accordance with Council’s Complaint Handling Policy (See below).

Complaints-Handling-Policy.pdf(PDF, 785KB)

Complaint-Form-2020-v1.1-1.pdf(PDF, 348KB)

Complaint-Handling-Commitments-1.pdf(PDF, 2MB)


Claim Form


Before Council is obliged to pay compensation for any injury, loss or damage suffered, it must be established that this injury, loss or damage was caused as a result of Council’s negligence.

Council reserves its right to recover all or any costs that have been unnecessarily or unreasonably incurred by the Council in successfully defending insurance claims made against the Council.

The legislation that applies to Council’s responsibility for damages resulting from potholes or any other hazards on its roads is the Civil Liability Act 2002 (NSW) (the Act). The Act sets out a number of principles to be employed in determining whether is liable for injury, loss or damage suffered by road users. For example, section 45 of the Act provides non-feasance protection for roads authorities.

“A roads authority is not liable in proceedings for harm arising from a failure of the authority to carry out road work, or to consider carrying out road work, unless at the time of the alleged failure the authority had actual knowledge of the particular risk the materialisation of which resulted in the harm.”

The principles concerning Council’s management of resources and responsibilities as a Roads Authority are set out under section 42 of the Act:

“The functions required to be exercised by the authority are limited by the financial and other resources that are reasonably available to the authority for the purpose of exercising those functions.

The function required to be exercised by the authority are to be determined by reference to the broad range of its activities and not merely by reference to the matter to which the proceedings relate.

If you are insured privately for the damage or injury sustained, such as motor vehicle insurance, you may wish to report the claim to them. If covered they will settle your loss and then pursue recovery against the Council on your behalf.

Council recommends that you seek professional legal advice if you are unsure about whether you are able to claim for your loss or damage.


List of State Roads within the Strathfield LGA under the responsibility of TfNSW

Road Name Section Classification
From To
Juno Parade Roberts Road Punchbowl Road State Road
Punchbowl Road Juno Parade Coronation Parade State Road
Coronation Parade Punchbowl Road Liverpool Road State Road
The Boulevarde Liverpool Road Redmyre Road State Road
Redmyre Road The Boulevarde Raw Square State Road
Raw Square Redmyre Road Railway Bridge (Council Boundary) State Road
Parramatta Road Powells Creek (Council Boundary). Homebush Bay Drive State Road
Homebush Bay Drive Parramatta Road Powells Creek (Council Boundary) State Road
Centenary Drive Parramatta Road Arthur Street State Road
Marlborough Road *including the on and off ramps/traffic lanes at Centenary Drive. (See Plan Below). Centenary Drive Centenary Drive State Road
Centenary Drive Arthur Street Liverpool Road State Road
Roberts Road Liverpool Road Juno Parade State Road
Liverpool Road Centenary Drive Coronation Parade State Road

Marlborough Road *including the on and off ramps/traffic lanes at Centenary Drive.


Please contact Transport for NSW via their website.

Council may not be liable for damages arising from potholes and other hazards unless Council was aware of the pothole and has been negligent in not addressing the risk within Council’s ability in terms of resources.

Council recommends that you seek professional legal advice if you are unsure about whether you are able to claim for your loss or damage.


Before Council is obliged to pay compensation for any injury, loss or damage suffered, it must be established that this injury, loss or damage was caused as a result of Council’s negligence.

Step 1.Sewer and Storm Water Pipes

Sewer and storm water pipes are assets of the property owner and therefore the property owners responsibility to maintain.

If a blockage occurs in your private sewer or storm water pipe, you may need to engage a licensed plumber to fix the problem.

Blocked sewer lines may be caused by tree roots, inappropriate material put down the drains, sections of pipe collapsing, ground subsidence, debris or siltation.

Tree roots are not known to enter pipes which are well maintained. If tree roots have entered a pipe this is usually the result of the roots seeking water that is available because of the actual deterioration of the pipe (due to age/quality etc) or the failure of the seals joining the pipes.

Council recommends that you seek professional legal advice if you are unsure about whether you are able to claim for your loss or damage.

Step 2.Driveways and Private Structures

Driveways and private structures are assets of the property owner and therefore the property owners responsibility to maintain and repair.

Where property owners believe that public tree roots are damaging or have the potential to cause damage to driveways and structures, the property owner should contact the Council as soon as possible to allow the Council to take appropriate action concerning the public tree.

Council recommends that you seek professional legal advice if you are unsure about whether you are able to claim for your loss or damage.

Required Form

Public Liability Form(PDF, 241KB)

Fraud and Corruption

Reporting Bribery

Offering or seeking a bribe is a crime. The Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) is an independent agency that can investigate the actions of NSW government officials. If you suspect bribery contact ICAC on 1800 463 909. To talk to ICAC in your language using a telephone interpreter service, contact 131 450. You can also visit for further information.


التبليغ عن الرشوة

عرض او تلقي الرشوة هو جريمة. ان الهيئة الملكية المستقلة ضد الفساد


هي قوة مستقلة  تستطيع التحقيق بافعال حكومة نيو ساوث ويلز الرسمية.

اذا كنت تشك بحصول أي رشوة اتصل بـ


على الرقم 1800463909.

 لتتحدث معها بلغتك مستخدماً خدمة الترجمة الهاتفية اتصل بالرقم 131450 او انك تستطيع أن تزور موقعنا:

للحصول على المزيد من المعلومات


報告有關賄賂提供或尋求賄賂是一種犯罪。廉政公署(ICAC廉署)是一個獨立的機構,可以調查新南威爾士州政府官員的行為。如果您懷疑受賄請撥打1800 463 909 聯繫廉署。若您想用自己的語言表達請找電話傳譯服務,請撥打聯繫電話:131 450。要瞭解更多資訊,請您瀏覽


뇌물 신고

뇌물을 주거나 바라는 것은 범죄입니다. 독립부패방지위원회(ICAC)는 NSW주 정부 공무원들의 행동을 조사할 수 있는 권리를 가진 독립적인 단체입니다.

만약 뇌물수수 행위가 의심된다면 ICAC의 1800 463 909로 전화주십시요. ICAC와 통화 시 전화 통역서비스인 131 450를 통하면 해당국가 언어로 대화할 수 있습니다.

홈페이지로 들어가시면 자세한 정보를 알 수 있습니다.


Car Parking Fine Complaints

Once a parking infringement (fine) has been printed, only Revenue NSW can reverse it. 

If you would like to appeal a parking infringement, or require more information, please contact Revenue NSW.

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