Employment Zones Reform


Employment Zones commenced within 135 Local Environmental Plans (LEPs) on 26 April 2023.

In May 2021, the NSW Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) proposed to replace the existing business (B) and industrial (IN) zones with 5 employment zones and 4 supporting zones under Standard Instrument (Local Environmental Plans) Order 2006 (SI LEP Order). The reform was finalised in December 2021.

The DPE developed and finalised the employment zones based on quantitative and qualitative evidence to:

  • Maximise productivity while minimising land use conflicts and ensuring they are fit for purpose.
  • Address current barriers within the planning system that limit the ability of businesses to establish, expand or adapt.
  • Better support councils in the delivery of the strategic vision contained in their Local Strategic Planning Statements and background studies.

Conversion Table for Strathfield Local Environmental Plan 2012

Business and Industrial Zones Employment Zones
B1 Neighbourhood Centre

B2 Local Centre


E1 Local Centre
B3 Commercial Centre


E2 Commercial Centre
B4 Mixed Use


MU1 Mixed Use
B6 Enterprise Corridor

B7 Business Park


E3 Productivity Support
IN1 General Industrial

IN2 Light Industrial


E4 General Industrial

The current land use table has been updated in SLEP 2012:

Strathfield Local Environmental Plan 2012 (2013 EPI 115) – NSW Legislation

NSW Planning Portal Spatial Viewer shows the updated zoning maps:

NSW Planning Portal Spatial Viewer

NOTE: The PDF maps within Strathfield Local Environmental Plan 2012 will remain in force except for the Land Zoning Map and Additional Permitted Uses Map that have been migrated to digital mapping within NSW Planning Portal Digital EPI Viewer. Strathfield Local Environmental Plan 2012 | Planning Portal – Department of Planning and Environment (nsw.gov.au)