Consultation – Mintaro Avenue Full Road Closure

As resolved in item 6.5 of the April Local Traffic Committee meeting, ‘Mintaro Avenue, Strathfield – Proposed Traffic Management Changes and Pocket Park’, Council is proposing to implement a permanent full road closure on Mintaro Avenue at the intersection of Mintaro Avenue and Noble Avenue, subject to resident consultation outcomes.

The proposal is to reclaim greenspace on Mintaro Avenue and make a ‘pocket park’ for use by the community while simultaneously improving road safety around this section of land by clearly defining vehicle travel paths. To view that the proposal includes, please refer to the attached consultation letter below.

The results of the consultation will be brought back to the next available Traffic Committee meeting after the consultation deadline for a final decision on the proposal. Should the proposal proceed, Council will begin the process of implementing the closure.

If you would like to raise your support for or objection to the above proposal or require any questions for clarity before providing your response, please contact Council’s Traffic Engineer, Jack Griffiths, via email at or phone 9748 9999 between the hours of 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM Monday to Friday by Friday 2 June 2023.

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