Transport Orientated Development Program in Homebush

Published on 07 September 2023

For immediate release

7 December 2024


Homebush was announced today as one of eight Tier One – Accelerated Precincts, aiming to create a Transit Oriented Development, a model involving mixed communities being built around public transportation networks to reduce dependence on private vehicles. These developments highlight the importance of sustainable practices in facilitating healthy communities and liveable neighbourhoods.

Council looks forward to working with the State Government to prepare a master plan which will underpin the delivery of new housing and jobs in the area north of Homebush Railway Station.

Ensuring a sustainable neighbourhood is established in the area marked as an accelerated precinct will be a focal point for Council, as we remain committed to connecting people to required social infrastructure, open space and public transport.

Community feedback and engagement will be vital importance for Council to advocate for the creation of a contemporary dwelling space which balances housing growth and shapes the future of Homebush.

Councillor Karen Pensabene, Mayor of Strathfield said, “Council has been proactively advocating for State Government support for the master planning required to deliver good urban design outcomes in Homebush and the Parramatta Road corridor, particularly north of Homebush Station. Today’s announcement is welcomed by Council, and we look forward to working positively in collaboration with the State Government and NSW Department of Planning to deliver this important and exciting piece of work for our community. This is a great opportunity to execute good planning to address the housing crisis whilst protecting the character, and in particular heritage, of our great Strathfield area.”

This project aspires to enhance the liveability of Homebush and is an aligned development of The Parramatta Road Urban Amenity Improvement Program (PRUAIP), an initiative by the NSW Government to improve open space and active transport links along the Parramatta Road corridor.

For more information, please visit




For media enquiries, please contact:

Ayla Karabulut

Strathfield Council

9748 9604



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