Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find Council forms?

All Council forms are located here.

Where can I see Development Applications (DA)?

You can see all Development Applications here. 

Where can I order a 603, 10.7 or Outstanding Notice Certificate?

Please visit the Services page to order a certificate.

Where can I register for email rate notices?

For information on rates including registering for email rate notices, please visit the Pay Rates page.

How do I change my mailing address?

Please complete and return this form:

Change-of-Mailing-Address-Request.pdf(PDF, 176KB)

Waste collection questions

For information on waste services including ordering a new bin, a missed collection or booking a clean-up, please visit the waste information page.

You can also make waste related requests and bookings via the StrathfieldHub app.

How do I hire a venue or sportsfield?

Please visit this page for information on booking a sportsground.

Please visit this page for information on booking a venue.

Coming Soon!
Book a sportsground or venue via the StrathfieldHub App!

What can I do about an overgrown tree (both private and Council properties)?

You can find information on how Council manages trees here.

I have received an infringement notice. How do I request a review?

Once the notice is printed, Council is unable to make changes.

Please contact Revenue NSW to request a review of a parking infringement notice.

Council's wet weather phone line

Please check Council’s Wet Weather Line 9748 9972 for the open/closed status of sporting fields.