Council Meetings

Council and Committee Meetings are held on a regular basis at Strathfield Council.

Ordinary Council Meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of every month at 6:30pm.

Watch the Council Meeting Live

Strathfield Council offers live streaming of its Council meetings. This allows the community to follow Council debates and decisions without the need to attend meetings in person. Any part of a meeting that is held in closed session will not be streamed.


Notice of Copyright and Disclaimer

This electronic transmission is protected by copyright owned by Strathfield Council and no part thereof may be copied, reproduced, recorded or made available to others without the prior written consent of Strathfield Council.

Opinions expressed or statements made by individual persons during the course of this transmission are the opinions or statements of those individual persons and are not opinions or statements of Strathfield Council. Strathfield Council does not accept liability for any defamatory remarks or inappropriate comments that are made during the course of a meeting.

This transmission is not, and shall not, be taken to be an official record of Strathfield Council or of any meeting or discussion depicted therein.

Code of Meeting Practice

The elected councillors meet at Council Meetings and Committee Meetings in accordance with Council’s Code of Meeting Practice.(PDF, 477KB)

Under section 360(2) of the Local Government Act Council may establish a Code of Meeting Practice.  The Code must incorporate meeting procedures set out in the Local Government Act 1993 and Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 and can incorporate local provisions.  However, in adopting local provisions, the Code must be consistent with the relevant legislative provisions.  Council and Committee meetings must operate in accordance with the adopted Code of Meeting Practice.


Public Forum

Council conducts an Public Forum session during Council Meetings which is limited to fifteen (15) minutes. A person or persons may address Council only on matters on the agenda of the meeting. Speakers can request to speak by completing the ‘Request to Address Council or Committee Meetings’ form or make a request to speak during the Public Forum session.

Speakers are limited to five minutes.  Speakers can speak on matters other than those listed on the evening’s business papers, those matters being actioned under Council’s complaints handling mechanisms, in dispute or under investigation or a Code of Conduct complaint or investigation.


Who can speak at Council Meetings?

Members of the public may attend Council and Committee Meetings and may speak on matters, such as those in general business on the agenda of the meeting.

To speak at a meeting please complete the below Request to Address Council Meeting form. Requests to address a meeting must be submitted in writing by 12.00pm on the day of the meeting to the General Manager. Speakers are limited to five minutes and must provide their name and address to the meeting. Speakers are not permitted to ask questions of Councillors or staff.

Request to Address Council Committee Meetings.pdf(PDF, 162KB)


Are there restrictions on what I can speak about?

Speakers are limited to a maximum of four (4) on an item and speak on an alternative basis eg commencing with a speaker for, then a speaker against. Additional speakers may be permitted by decision of the Council meeting.

Speakers have a time limit of 5 minutes each and can only speak once in the course of the meeting. Members of the public address Council prior to debate by Councillors.

On occasion, a council or committee meeting may be closed to the public when matters listed in Section 14.1 of the Code are discussed. This can include legal advices, matters relating to commercial information or trade secret, or personnel hardship of a resident. Section 14.9 may allow representations by members of the public prior to the meeting closing to the public.

Council webcasts and records proceedings at Council and Committee meetings, which includes speeches of members of the public. The purpose of recording the meeting is to assist in preparation of meetings minutes, which is the official record of Council and Committee Meetings.  It is prohibited to privately record, by visual and audio recording devices, Council or Committee meetings without permission of the Council.


Conduct of the Meeting

All participants at Council meetings including Councillors, Council staff and members of the public are expected not to make personal comments concerning Councillors, staff or other members of the public or engage in disorderly conduct at a meeting. Acts of disorder are outlined in Section 15.12 of the Code. Penalties for disorder may include rescinding speaking rights or expulsion from the meeting.

These guidelines relate to Council’s Code of Meeting Practice. The Code is made under Local Government Act 1993 and Local Government Regulations. The Code is also available to view at Council’s Customer Service Centre.


Business Papers

Business papers, minutes and agendas are available below for 2020 meetings, with past meetings available at the bottom link.

Council Meetings are open to the public, except for discussion of legal, staff or other confidential matters

Before each Council or Committee meeting, a Business Paper is prepared detailing the items that are to be presented to the meeting.  Business papers include an agenda (list of items to be considered at the meeting), reports (details of items to be considered by Council) and minutes (details of decisions made at previous Council and Committee meetings).

Readers should be aware that the Recommendations as set out in the Business Papers are simply proposals to the Council for its consideration. The Council may adopt these proposals, amend the proposals, determine a completely different course of action, or it may decline to pursue any course of action. The decision of the Council becomes a resolution of the Council and is recorded in the Minutes.

Ordinary meetings of Council are held on the first Tuesday of the month, except during January and July. Business papers for the Council meetings are published on the Council website on the Thursday prior to the Tuesday meeting. Copies may be viewed on a computer at Council’s libraries and copies of the report will be printed upon request.

Minutes of the Council Meetings are placed on Council’s website within five working days of the meeting. For further information on Council and Committee meeting agendas, minutes or business papers please contact Council’s Governance department on 9748 9999.


Congratulatory Letters

Strathfield Council offers a range of congratulatory messages from Council to residents who are celebrating significant milestones in their lives.

Some examples where residents may be eligible for a congratulatory message include:

  • 90 or 100th birthdays or any birthday after turning 90
  • 50 or 60th wedding anniversaries or any anniversary after 50
  • being nominated for a significant community award
  • winning a significant community award

To nominate a community member for a congratulatory message from the Mayor please complete and send in the form below.

Council also offers letters of condolence to those who have recently been diagnosed with a serious illness or have passed away. For more information contact Council on 9748 9999 email

Australians can also apply for messages from the Prime Minister, Governor General and the Queen. To do this, you must contact the local Federal Member or any office of any Senator. More information about this can be found here.

Congratulatory Letter Application.pdf(PDF, 80KB)



Council Meeting Agendas and Minutes

Search Minutes & Agendas


Traffic Committee Meeting Dates

The Traffic Committee meets monthly to review changes requested and required to traffic conditions in the Strathfield LGA. The Committee is comprised of representatives of from NSW Police, RMS, Sydney Transport and Strathfield Council.

Residents and interested parties can request to address the Committee by completing the application form and returning to Council.

Meeting Time 11.00am – 12.30pm (on the 3rd Tuesday of the Month) – Main Meeting Room

2024 Traffic Committee Meeting dates are as follows:

DATE                                               TIME                                                LOCATION
20 February 2024 11:00am - 12:30pm Face to Face Meeting
19 March 2024 11:00am - 12:30pm Face to Face Meeting
16 April 2024 11:00am - 12:30pm Face to Face Meeting
21 May 2024 11:00am - 12:30pm Face to Face Meeting
18 June 2024 11:00am - 12:30pm Face to Face Meeting
16 July 2024 11:00am - 12:30pm Face to Face Meeting
20 August 2024 11:00am - 12:30pm Face to Face Meeting
17 September 2024 11:00am - 12:30pm Face to Face Meeting
15 October 2024 11:00am - 12:30pm Face to Face Meeting
19 November 2024 11:00am - 12:30pm Face to Face Meeting
17 December 2024 11:00am - 12:30pm Face to Face Meeting (Optional meeting if required)


Location: Meetings will take place in the Main Meeting room.  A separate invite will be sent to Committee Members only to join via Microsoft Teams where necessary.

Note: Council requirements are for the Traffic Committee to have a minimum of eight meetings in one calendar year.  A further two meetings may be cancelled through the General Manager if not required.